February 24, 2009



Friday, February 06, 2009

Mayor Samuel L. Jones
Mobile Mayor

Mobile City Council Members
Mobile City Council

Dear Mr. Mayor & Council Members,
This petition is in reference to have the street/road adjacent to the Mobile
Police Academy after Ms. Bernice Hudson. Yes, one might say or think that this is only being done
to win votes for this years City Election. This is in no shape or form a way to win votes from any
resident of District 3. This idea was formed with no other intentions other than to honor Ms. Hudson.
Ms. Hudson thought about the idea and then gave her blessing to go ahead with the idea. Enclosed
You will find a letter sent to Councilman Johnson on Ms. Hudson’s behalf and Councilman Johnson’s email response to that letter. You will also find the petition where not only citizens of District 3, but
Citizens throughout the City of Mobile in support of this idea. The citizens have spoken and they would like to see this petition granted and carried out.

Traffic Engineering has already been contacted and we were told by Mr. Metzger that it not on a city right-away but on city property. Also if the city could not fund having the street sign manufactured, the
bill would be paid by other means. We thank you for your time and a chance to be heard on this matter.

Ronald S. Wallace & Supporting Citizens