April 9, 2010


Friday, April 09, 2010

Mobile City Council Members

Dear Council Members,

This letter is in reference to Mayor Jones’s proposal for a 1 cents sales tax increase. I know that some of you are opposed to any kind of new taxes, but it appears that with all of the cuts in all departments and programs the city will still come up short of the money needed. As a citizen and employee of this city, I ask you to think long and hard to approve this sales tax increase if there is no other alternative. Pay cuts or layoffs, I ask you to not let either of these be an option to come up with the funds to balance the City’s Budget. Speaking as a citizen and taxpayer of this city, I too am concern about our Government Spending and what went wrong. We have this problem now and we all need to work together to find a solution that will benefit everyone. Yes, there will be individuals that will be upset about a tax increase, but we need to reassure them that we are looking out for the best interest for everyone. As a city employee I took an oath to serve and protect the citizens of this city and regardless what the decision of the City Council, I will continue to honor that oath. If any of you wishes to discuss this matter any further with me, please feel free to contact me anytime.

Ronald S. Wallace